Moving data centres

Why move your data centre?
Usually it is about the reliability of the existing space and its quality, the physical space itself, cooling and power capacity or commercial conditions. Organisations and businesses often reach a point where the space they have grown up in is no longer suitable and they are looking for another and better place to grow. Even many large customers have come to understand that it makes no sense to invest in their own data centre and are better off with a leased space from a company that has running these technologies in their job description.
Are you uncomfortable with your current server space and worried about the complications associated with change? We have been moving data centres for almost 20 years and have years of proven methods. We will assess your needs, plan, organize and secure the entire event so that your clients do not experience any service disruption.
If you are considering moving your data centre
If you are considering whether to move your data centre from your existing premises to professional hosting and you are worried about the complexity of the whole event, then discuss it with us. We can do it, we've been through a lot and we can help with everything from negotiating with the hosting supplier to the last bolt in the rack.

What can we offer you?
Comprehensive roofing removal:
- processing of the analysis
- project management
- arranging a removal company
- providing our own team for installation and cabling in the data center
- insurance for the whole event
- coordination of internal customer teams
- coordination of customer suppliers, typically hosting and/or WAN service providers