How to manage projects and operations in a company?
This extensive topic was the subject of a lecture for students of the University of Economics in Prague (VŠE), which was held in cooperation with Doc. Ing. Jan Pour, CSc., led by Mr. Lumír Srch Jr., CEO of ITS.
The aim of the lecture was again to complement the theoretical study with practical knowledge and experience based on our years of practice. Future economists had the opportunity to learn more about the obstacles that need to be overcome in project promotion, IT investments or project management.
It included, of course, specific case studies based, for example, on the development and delivery of applications from ITS for local and global clients and related issues. Terminology such as the anatomy of a company, what a trial run and the actual implementation of the chosen solution entails, what to look out for, what the blockers can be and how to deal with them were discussed.
ITS has long supported education and our activities include both our own workshops and cooperation with various educational institutions.
If you are interested in a lecture on corporate management, cyber security, enterprise systems and other areas, please contact us for an individual arrangement.
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