CACIO: Change as opportunity?
2 min

Change is Opportunity was the title of the seminar, held on 26 February 2025 at Te Ta Palace and hosted by Czech Association of Information Technology Managers (CACIO) - with the subtitle Adaptability and Utilization is the Key to Success.
The seminar featured several interesting speakers from successful Czech companies - let's mention Trask solutions with its contribution to artificial intelligence, where at least Operator AI aroused quite an excited debate and opened up ethical-psychological issues; a representative of Wedos with their successes and worldwide coverage, or a lecture by the Multima software studio on the advantages and possibilities of working with low-code.
A very interesting input was also made by the representative of Co. Unicorn's Jan Stanura, dedicated to the topic of Enterprise Landing Zones - in simple terms, "managing" costs in the cloud and in general how important it is to have a cloud strategy.
The afternoon block was then completed by our side with the topic "The world with quantum computers", where the CEO of ITS Mr. Lumír Srch Jr. looked at this dynamic area through the lens of an IT company that has been involved in data security for a long time. He mainly explained the context - what it means in terms of encryption and future data security in general, what are the possibilities already now, what are the current predictions.
And this lecture sparked a very lively discussion, which only confirms that Quantum safe is an increasingly topical topic that needs attention.
By the way, do you know who Schrödinger's cat is ;-)?

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